ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL Equity Principal Auditions - Triad Stage Auditions

Posted March 10, 2014
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ALL’S WELL THAT ENDS WELL - EPA by Appt in NC Triad Stage | Greensboro, NC

Date of Audition:

Call Type
Equity Principal

Equity Principal Auditions by APPOINTMENT
Monday, March 24, 2014
10 AM to 5:30 PM
lunch 12:30 to 1

ref. to LORT; $570/week

Triad Stage
232 South Elm Street
Greensboro, NC 27401
Sloan Rehearsal Hall- Located on the 3rd floor.

Equity actors, men and women. Seeking diverse actors with a strong facility for language.

see breakdown.

Sides from the play will be provided. Please bring a headshot and resume stapled together.

Other Dates
First Rehearsal: May 7, 2014
First Preview: June 8, 2014
Opening: June 13,2014
Closing: July 13, 2014


Artistic Director: Preston Lane
By William Shakespeare
Director: Preston Lane

· A monitor will not be provided. The producer will run all aspects of this audition.

Audition hotline 336/274-0067 x209,
AEA members without appointments seen as time permits.

Performers of all ethnic and racial background are encouraged to attend.

Always bring your Equity Membership Card to auditions.


Seeking diverse actors with a strong facility for language. All ethnicities are strongly encouraged to attend.


King of France
(50s-60s, open ethnicity) The authoritative King is a sharp, sage old man with a good-nature who can be quick to offer a warm welcome or a good joke. However, his increasing age has caused him to adopt a no-nonsense personality when necessary. He is kind, realistic, outspoken, trustworthy, but above all, is a man of his word. He has all the honorability that is expected of a king but has more graciousness than might be expected of him. He can hold a grudge for a long time but is always willing to forgive those who deserve to be forgiven.

(early 20s, open ethnicity) Bertram, son of the Countess of Rossillion, is a young man with a frank demeanor and a strong sense of morality. He is very blunt with his opinions and doesn’t care if he hurts others in the process. He is proud of his status and wears it with great arrogance. He bitterly defends his pride and has a proclivity for deception. He is educated, scheming, bold, and can be very indignant when challenged. He is very valiant but his youth sometimes causes him to behave a bit petulantly. He is gallant but his sweet-talking charisma sometimes gives way to vanity. His youthful judgment can get him into dangerous situations that risk his virtue.

(early 20s, open ethnicity) Helena is the orphaned daughter of a famous doctor. She exemplifies all the good qualities of a virginal maid. She is kind, smart, simple, honest, humble, and extremely earnest. However, she can be a bit deceptive when going for what she wants. Her unassuming personality masks her insecurity and loneliness. She grieves with deep sorrow and loves with the starry-eyed naiveté of a hopeless romantic. Her strong sense of morality guides her actions and she has great perseverance when she really wants something or someone. Helena wants nothing more than Bertram’s love.

(30s, open ethnicity) Parolles is a braggart with an unruly personality and Bertram’s best friend. He is arrogant, prideful, sly, and has a sharp sense of humor. He lacks the refinement of his best friend and could be considered crude and revolting at times. He hides a lot of cowardice, a weakness that causes him to lie and break promises. He is self-absorbed and pursues his own interests no matter the cost. He fears retribution and will sacrifice his virtue to protect himself. He has a manipulative intelligence and a cocky, beguiling personality. However, there is a great charm and charisma that runs through him and almost allows him to get away with everything.

The following roles have been CAST.
(actors may be considered for possible replacements should they become needed)

Widow Capilet
(50s-60s, open ethnicity) Widow Capilet is a very kindly woman. She is very welcoming, the type that is eager to help complete strangers. Her warm personality means that people are quick to trust her. She was well born but has recently become down on her luck. She still guards her reputation dearly and holds herself to her own high standards. She is very trustworthy and plain-speaking in her dealings with people. Her friendly, loving demeanor is only part of her character. She also has a strong sense of right and wrong. She will go to great lengths to protect her own honorability and the honor of those she loves.

Countess of Rossillion
(50s-60s, open ethnicity) The Countess of Rossillion is a stately woman that wears her title with pride. She is very honorable. Her nobility is evident in all of her dealings and interactions with those around her. She is kind but not warm. She has a commanding personality and is quick to direct other people. Her advancing age has brought her a lot of wisdom and she always knows the correct path to follow. She is very thoughtful and listens carefully to the troubles of others. She is quick to point out injustices done against her but she is also quick to offer forgiveness.

(50s-60s, open ethnicity) Lafew is an honorable lord that conducts himself as the nobility that he is. He is proud of his position and of the status that he has built up. He uses his age and authority, along with his incredible intelligence, to control those below him. But he is also gracious and very respectful of others. He is kind but not very emotional. He has no time for nonsense. He is quick to call people out for poor behavior but does not anger easily. He is very discerning and has a sharp eye for deception. He enjoys the company of other plain-dealers.

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